Basic Krav Maga Techniques:
Guidelines for Krav Maga techniques
• Avoid injury! Carefully identifying the risks of a specific action, avoid risk wherever this is possible.
• Krav Maga's natural reactions are subsequently revised, smooth and adjusted to the requirement of a given situation.
• Taking into account the safety and suitability of your action protect yourself by standing on the shortest position.
• Check the type of your response and the force of the attack in order to avoid unnecessary injuries.
• Judge correctly time to win.
• Use any nearby accessible object for your defense and counter-attacks.
• There are no rules, technical restrictions or sporty restrictions.
• Further development of self defence includes the "Mental training" of the individual for improvised act in accordance with the situation.
Core tactics emphasized in krav maga are
Eye gouging.
Throat wraps.
Head butts.
Striking back of the head and spine.
Striking with verticle elbow.
Kidney and liver attacks.
Kicking the head and slamming an opponent to the floor.
Do not forget the level of force you put forward to protect yourself should be proportionate to the threat.
The defensive techniques and principles of Krav Maga are simple and natural movements, highly effective and easy to learn. The learner is taught to these principles and techniques in a variety of situations- in a dark environment, in a sitting or lying position or under adverse circumstances in which they had with very limited freedom of movement.
1) Inward chop Aiming Neck
Bring into operation this strike with right arm, elbow curved at 45 degrees so that your elbow may possibly not get troubled.This can easily arrive at the target such as sides of the neck,nose or cheek.
Manage to pull right hand to the right side however slightly behind your skull,stand in your left position on the balls of both feet in the similar direction as the whack.This will add up more power as your lower body and hips move in tandem with your trunk along with shoulders.
Other hand up for the safe side,get arranged to deliver another move or recoil to the left again.
The right attempt is to keep your lower arm and hand semi-tight for better impact.
2) Outward chop
The outward chop is effective for the reason that it maintain a support system and keep you safe from opposite attacks.
hand and forearm aligned in the same direction mind not to bend your wrist ,front foot and the strike running in similar direction,your toes turning past the target.
pivot on the ball of your foot,watching the target but body turned.Proceed shoulder and hip forward when you deliver the chop,comfort the foot movement adjusting right foot.
Right hand positioned up,forearm and hand semi-tight until the arm and hand are fully strengthened just before the chop to add significant impact.
3) anti Group Elbow
focus on the jaw, throat, nose, or other part of face.
It is utilized when you want instant escape from various attackers. You must look for a seam and utilize the seam to make your getaway,attempt never to put yourself between two attackers.
Keep in mind, you should always move to the dead side, where you are behind the opponent's close by shoulder or move against his back.The arrangement of your arms is similar to two synchronous half-roundhouse punches,one fist (usually left when starting from the left outlet) is higher than the other,so that your hands did not collide with one another when you make contact with both arms against the attacker surrounding you.
You're striking tools are your elbows and fists.You should tuck your jaw in,shoulders raised to ensure protecting head. Your head
This can be done with two coordinators holding two kicking cushions high and far away from their bodies. Hand cousins might likewise be utilized; in any case, kicking cushions give extra security for your partner holding the cushions.
4) Knee and Trap Against Attacker Standing in Left Outlet Position
this move grab and control rival's arms while conveying a destructive front knee to the adversary's thigh,or mid-section.
In the event that your adversary has his arms near one another,trap him by taking a hold over his arm thus holding both arms near you. As you grasp both of his wrists with your hands, pull them hard into you as you draw a straight knee to his midsection with an appropriate 90-degrees with turned base leg at pelvis.
you can also attempt to split his hands wide apart by putting your palms together thus stabbing his arms between your arms, make them farther apart as you deliver a straight knee with (base) leg turned.
5) Low Roundhouse Kick Sweep
This helps to stroke rival's leg or else from underneath him thrusting off his leg.Targeting the muscle linking calf muscles to the heel straight on the top of ankle.Inspite of this knee may also be approachable to attack.
Standing position left , raise your right (back) leg pivoting knee,thigh, and shin parallel to the ground.
Curving the knee moderately so that your body turned out to the right,base leg on the ball while progressing ahead in the kneecap direction.
Knee curved,eyes straight away over the target,your leg will stretch out farther to bring him to the knees.
Continue to pivot and swing around toward your foe as you fix and intensify your
kicking leg to kick through your opponent,your full weight goes through the kick as your body torques through the target like other combative strikes,hip ought to be parallel to the ground so that your foot stay parallel to floor.
6) Stepping Side Kick
long step kick thrust your rival who is to your side and cover up far gaps creating intense impact.
standing in left position,twist base leg at the pelvis so that head is raised ahead when turning over side kick,like a spiral trunk also twisted so that back sole kick intensely.
Bring out side kick with the front leg near to your target.Slamm down your opponent from a slightly vertical angle Covering shin,head,knee, thigh,belly.

Shift your weight to your back leg,angle your heel toward the target, extend your leg parallel to the floor, and make contact with the heel.
The stepping leg's heel must face the rival. While you might tilt back marginally in light of the fact that you're kicking leg is raised with your thigh parallel to the ground, ensure your weight is approaching and through your assault.
Guidelines for Krav Maga techniques
• Avoid injury! Carefully identifying the risks of a specific action, avoid risk wherever this is possible.
• Krav Maga's natural reactions are subsequently revised, smooth and adjusted to the requirement of a given situation.
• Taking into account the safety and suitability of your action protect yourself by standing on the shortest position.
• Check the type of your response and the force of the attack in order to avoid unnecessary injuries.
• Judge correctly time to win.
• Use any nearby accessible object for your defense and counter-attacks.
• There are no rules, technical restrictions or sporty restrictions.
• Further development of self defence includes the "Mental training" of the individual for improvised act in accordance with the situation.
Core tactics emphasized in krav maga are
Eye gouging.
Throat wraps.
Head butts.
Striking back of the head and spine.
Striking with verticle elbow.
Kidney and liver attacks.
Kicking the head and slamming an opponent to the floor.
Do not forget the level of force you put forward to protect yourself should be proportionate to the threat.
The defensive techniques and principles of Krav Maga are simple and natural movements, highly effective and easy to learn. The learner is taught to these principles and techniques in a variety of situations- in a dark environment, in a sitting or lying position or under adverse circumstances in which they had with very limited freedom of movement.
1) Inward chop Aiming Neck
Bring into operation this strike with right arm, elbow curved at 45 degrees so that your elbow may possibly not get troubled.This can easily arrive at the target such as sides of the neck,nose or cheek.
Manage to pull right hand to the right side however slightly behind your skull,stand in your left position on the balls of both feet in the similar direction as the whack.This will add up more power as your lower body and hips move in tandem with your trunk along with shoulders.
Other hand up for the safe side,get arranged to deliver another move or recoil to the left again.
The right attempt is to keep your lower arm and hand semi-tight for better impact.
2) Outward chop
The outward chop is effective for the reason that it maintain a support system and keep you safe from opposite attacks.
hand and forearm aligned in the same direction mind not to bend your wrist ,front foot and the strike running in similar direction,your toes turning past the target.
pivot on the ball of your foot,watching the target but body turned.Proceed shoulder and hip forward when you deliver the chop,comfort the foot movement adjusting right foot.
Right hand positioned up,forearm and hand semi-tight until the arm and hand are fully strengthened just before the chop to add significant impact.
3) anti Group Elbow
focus on the jaw, throat, nose, or other part of face.
It is utilized when you want instant escape from various attackers. You must look for a seam and utilize the seam to make your getaway,attempt never to put yourself between two attackers.
Keep in mind, you should always move to the dead side, where you are behind the opponent's close by shoulder or move against his back.The arrangement of your arms is similar to two synchronous half-roundhouse punches,one fist (usually left when starting from the left outlet) is higher than the other,so that your hands did not collide with one another when you make contact with both arms against the attacker surrounding you.
You're striking tools are your elbows and fists.You should tuck your jaw in,shoulders raised to ensure protecting head. Your head
This can be done with two coordinators holding two kicking cushions high and far away from their bodies. Hand cousins might likewise be utilized; in any case, kicking cushions give extra security for your partner holding the cushions.
4) Knee and Trap Against Attacker Standing in Left Outlet Position
this move grab and control rival's arms while conveying a destructive front knee to the adversary's thigh,or mid-section.
In the event that your adversary has his arms near one another,trap him by taking a hold over his arm thus holding both arms near you. As you grasp both of his wrists with your hands, pull them hard into you as you draw a straight knee to his midsection with an appropriate 90-degrees with turned base leg at pelvis.
you can also attempt to split his hands wide apart by putting your palms together thus stabbing his arms between your arms, make them farther apart as you deliver a straight knee with (base) leg turned.
5) Low Roundhouse Kick Sweep
This helps to stroke rival's leg or else from underneath him thrusting off his leg.Targeting the muscle linking calf muscles to the heel straight on the top of ankle.Inspite of this knee may also be approachable to attack.
Standing position left , raise your right (back) leg pivoting knee,thigh, and shin parallel to the ground.
Curving the knee moderately so that your body turned out to the right,base leg on the ball while progressing ahead in the kneecap direction.
Knee curved,eyes straight away over the target,your leg will stretch out farther to bring him to the knees.
Continue to pivot and swing around toward your foe as you fix and intensify your
kicking leg to kick through your opponent,your full weight goes through the kick as your body torques through the target like other combative strikes,hip ought to be parallel to the ground so that your foot stay parallel to floor.
6) Stepping Side Kick
long step kick thrust your rival who is to your side and cover up far gaps creating intense impact.
standing in left position,twist base leg at the pelvis so that head is raised ahead when turning over side kick,like a spiral trunk also twisted so that back sole kick intensely.
Bring out side kick with the front leg near to your target.Slamm down your opponent from a slightly vertical angle Covering shin,head,knee, thigh,belly.

Shift your weight to your back leg,angle your heel toward the target, extend your leg parallel to the floor, and make contact with the heel.
The stepping leg's heel must face the rival. While you might tilt back marginally in light of the fact that you're kicking leg is raised with your thigh parallel to the ground, ensure your weight is approaching and through your assault.
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