Friday, 17 June 2016
Krav Maga Training
Krav Maga Self Defense Training Against Different types of Punches !
Defense Against Sucker Punches
An assailant next to you can unexpectedly punch you, This technique works great if attacker is facing opposite side but standing to your side.
Raise shoulder duck your head into it and lean away from the incoming punch, deliver a powerful side kick by thrusting your close leg with appropriate base leg movement to the opponents knee.
Straight Punch Deflection with Modified L Block and Angled Gunt Option
Left standing stance, deflect a coming left punch with a block aiming at his pink fingers knuckle.
Manage right arm bent at about 90 degree, pivot the right arm inward close to your face so that L block is executed.
Counterattack with a straight right arm punch or deliver a high kick to the upper body or convey a strong blow to knee.
If executed properly this technique can break attackers hand, You can also use this defense to deflect double punch as well.
Block Against Straight Punches with Immediate Kick
You and attacker standing in left stances, block the incoming punch with your same arm and second punch with your opposite arm.
Now force away the second punch by cupping your hand and counter attacking simultaneously by convening a rare kick to opponents forward leg.
Parallel Gunt Against a Hook Punch
Protects the head from punch and high kicks coming from the opposite side.
Standing position left,tuck your chin into your left shoulder.
To block the hook punch your arm should be folded at about 45 degree and elbow pointed outward.
Simultaneously counter attack to his neck or head by setting up a horizontal elbow attack.
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Krav Maga Self Defense Against Knife Attack
Krav Maga and Knife Defense
Krav Maga emphasis on defense techniques against an attacker with a knife or with any sharp object like razors, broken bottles and scissors.
It is necessary to know types of knife attack, So that you identify the type of attack and defense technique required to cope with this.
The moment you notice an attacker is coming towards you, there might be 4 different distances.
1.Very close distance,you can only defense yourself if you are lucky.
2.Close range, a hand defense may be sufficient.You can protect yourself effectively.
3.Middle distance, hand defense is sufficient along with a counterattack to make the attacker less harmful.
4.Long distance, You can deliver a kick before he reach you.
Do not face an attacker holding a knife,stay at safe side.Maintain a considerable distance to overcome any risk.You can also take advantage of any object near you (Chair /stick ),you can also throw a stone and beat your oppose.
If you have enough time observe how the attacker is holding knife, this will give you clue what kind of attack he is going to apply and what prevention you should follow for your defense.
We must be clear that leg is stronger than arm. Therefore in most cases it is better to defend with kicks and maintain reasonable distance to convey a hard effect.Proper distance is used as a safety margin that enables you to attack vulnerable part of an attacker.
When using a hand defense again a knife attack, it is strongly recommended to counter attack with high speed and power.Counter attack prevents further attacks by the opposite side.
Krav Maga is a simultaneous combination of defense and counter attack.
There are still situations in which it is difficult to attack,you may perhaps block an attack and defend yourself.It is extremely important to keep your vision enlarge and avail the first opportunity. Judge the time accurately to knock him over.
While training one should use a soft rubber knife initially until you have gained necessary experience against high speed and powerful attacks.Only then use a wood or plastic knife, Sharp knife can only be used in advanced stage taking into account all the necessary safety measures.
Thursday, 2 June 2016
Krav Maga Moves
Stepping Side Kick
Long step kick thrust your rival who is to your side and cover up gaps creating intense impact.
Standing in left position, twist base leg at the pelvis so that head is raised ahead when turning over side kick, like a spiral trunk also twisted so that back sole kick intensely.
Bring out side kick with the front leg near to your target.Slam down your opponent from a slightly vertical angle covering shin ,head, knee, thigh or belly.
Shift your weight to your back leg, angle your heel toward the target, extend your leg parallel to the floor and make contact with the heel.
The stepping leg's heel must face the rival.You might tilt back slightly ensuring your weight is approaching through your assault.
Monday, 30 May 2016
Krav Maga Moves
Knee and Trap against Attacker While Standing in Left
This move grab and control rival's arms while conveying a destructive front knee to the adversary's thigh or mid-section.
In the event that your adversary has his arms near one another, trap him by taking a hold over his arm thus holding both arms near you. As you grasp both of his wrists with your hands, pull them hard into you as you draw a straight knee to his midsection with an appropriate 90-degrees with turned base leg at pelvis.
You can also attempt to split his hands wide apart by putting your palms together thus stabbing his arms between your arms, make them farther apart as you deliver a straight knee with (base) leg turned.
This move grab and control rival's arms while conveying a destructive front knee to the adversary's thigh or mid-section.
In the event that your adversary has his arms near one another, trap him by taking a hold over his arm thus holding both arms near you. As you grasp both of his wrists with your hands, pull them hard into you as you draw a straight knee to his midsection with an appropriate 90-degrees with turned base leg at pelvis.
You can also attempt to split his hands wide apart by putting your palms together thus stabbing his arms between your arms, make them farther apart as you deliver a straight knee with (base) leg turned.
Krav Maga Different Technique
Krav Maga Training Techniques
Rotate (right) arm back and put forward an outer chop to the neck while holding his left arm (with left hand).
Do not jump, simultaneously moving away from the punch with both feet.
Move to his dead side and bring out further simultaneous moves (for example: attack with right knee to the groin or deliver horizontal (right) elbow to the throat,or attacking back of neck with vertical (right) elbow.
Krav Maga Training
Clothesline Strike To the Throat
Thrust the forearm into the opponent’s throat by stepping forward.
Hit the attacker in the throat and knock him over by keeping your elbow slightly bent not more, So that you may not get injured by hyperextending your elbow.
Approach with the inner forearm (thumb side) thrusting opposer throat .
Drive opponent's arm out from the side of the body parallel to the floor.
Thrust the forearm into the opponent’s throat by stepping forward.
Hit the attacker in the throat and knock him over by keeping your elbow slightly bent not more, So that you may not get injured by hyperextending your elbow.
Approach with the inner forearm (thumb side) thrusting opposer throat .
Drive opponent's arm out from the side of the body parallel to the floor.
Krav Maga Martial Arts
Knuckle Edge Throat Strike
This combative is similar to web strike to the throat,except you are using curled fingers and the knuckles as you knocking a door.
Again aim for the throat and windpipe like previous combative.
The upper-lower body movements are same as web strike except the striking area of your hand changes ( before web, now knuckles).
You must be careful to align your hand properly for an overwhelming effect on opponent’s throat.
Lift your left shoulder up, tuck your chin to protect your jaw and neck.
Keep your other hand up and be prepared to launch another move.
After striking return to left outlet stance again.
This combative is similar to web strike to the throat,except you are using curled fingers and the knuckles as you knocking a door.
Again aim for the throat and windpipe like previous combative.
The upper-lower body movements are same as web strike except the striking area of your hand changes ( before web, now knuckles).
You must be careful to align your hand properly for an overwhelming effect on opponent’s throat.
Rare Forearm Attack
Using this brief, direct, and swift strike aim for the throat, jaw, or nose.
Extremely powerful for knocking your opponent's back specially if you strike opponent's throat with proper footwork and body weight behind.
Stand in the left outlet stance with loose fists, keep brief pause between your steps as your body is pushing forward.
Step forward with left foot, lifting your left arm parallel to your chest making obvious outer edge of your forearm is exposed.
Tighten your fist as your outer forearm extends to deliver the strike.
Step forward to launch your full body weight through the strike.Make sure you step with both feet,thrusting off the ball of right foot.
Extremely powerful for knocking your opponent's back specially if you strike opponent's throat with proper footwork and body weight behind.
Stand in the left outlet stance with loose fists, keep brief pause between your steps as your body is pushing forward.
Step forward with left foot, lifting your left arm parallel to your chest making obvious outer edge of your forearm is exposed.
Tighten your fist as your outer forearm extends to deliver the strike.
Step forward to launch your full body weight through the strike.Make sure you step with both feet,thrusting off the ball of right foot.
Lift your left shoulder up, tuck your chin to protect your jaw and neck.
Keep your other hand up and be prepared to launch another move.
After striking return to left outlet stance again.
Krav Maga Self Defense
Web Strike To The Throat
If your timing is correct, this can be highly damaging first strike option.Take down your attacker to ground with this technique.
Focus throat specifically wind tube.
Move forward with your left arm along with palm parallel to the ground, open your web followed by index finger and thumb pushing hard opponent's windpipe.
Now trigger windpipe by thrusting the web with the bone just below your index finger and the thumb, Thus creating a sharp blowing impact under opponent's jawbone (chin).
Stand in the left outlet, step forward with your left foot and draw heel moderately in and back.
Do not jump at the same time with both feet.
There should be brief gap between the steps,as your entire body mass is pushing forward.
Tend to raise your left shoulder,protect your jaw and neck by folding your chin in.
To protect yourself from dangerous blows keep your other hand up,and be prepared for another move.
Return to your left outlet stance,after striking.
Rare Web Attack
Target throat and more specifically "windpipe" as described above.
Left outlet position with loose fists.
Left outlet position with loose fists.
Right leg slightly position on the ball of foot i.e heel of the foot is lifted off the floor as you pushing through a wall.
Direct right hand's web,shoulder and hip forward pushing through your target.
Tuck chin into right shoulder to get protected from opposers strike.
Turn left hand up,get prepared to launch another move.
Punch and Web Drill Combined
Combination of punch along with web strike technique complement each other very well.Straight punch will jolt the opponent's head exposing the throat for the web strike.
This drill can be performed and practiced with a small targeted pad held by your partner.
Combination of punch along with web strike technique complement each other very well.Straight punch will jolt the opponent's head exposing the throat for the web strike.
This drill can be performed and practiced with a small targeted pad held by your partner.
Your partner holding the hand pad straight to face you and then after absorbing your straight punch right away turn the pad to the side,disclosing the side of the pad for a narrower striking surface to trigger throat so you can practice your web strike.
Repeat the drill from the right and left outlet stances 20 times (20 left straight punches and 20 right
straight web strikes).
Create and diversify combinations as you feel comfortable.Thinking different combinations will help
you get expert the and build the base for retzev.
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
Krav Maga Classes
Krav Maga Classes:
1) whipping Blows
Mainly targets rival's eyes though throat can be approached as a second choice.
Keeping your other fingers free contact rival's eye with the pointer and center finger together. Slacken your whipping hand's wrist and let your hand snap at the opposer's eye as though you pummeling somebody in the eyes with a towel.
This is simple to perform, but it may cause harm to your fingers if your distance is judged mistakenly.
However this blow possibly allow incredible impact particularly to cover or distract your rival and make your departure right away while the assailant is momentarily blinded.
As this strike is slight off angled tend to keep your wrist aligned right way.Half round punch put forward great impression as your arm is not in direct touch with the goal, it is conveyed with slight off angle.To convey this half punch,command your non-punching shoulder slightly away whille punching side will turn around to arrive at the assault.
Left standing stance,hands free in fits,right heel to some degree toward out side and short pause between steps.Step forward with left foot mind not to jump with both feet.
Extend out left arm slightly up however away from you and forward,thrusting punch towards your opponent.At the same time as you are going to convey the punch tighten your clench and make contact with the first two knuckles keeping it prallel to the floor.
Left shoulder raised ahead and chin in to save yourself from dangerous blows by the opposite end.

this is a disastrous counter attack,left standing stance using a two-handed wrap,with a knee counter attacking into opposer's crotch or mid portion with full power .
you will bring into play arms to divert the rival’s straight punch.
Hands moderately incurved with palms down,advancing your both arms to the right so that forearms aligned the same direction,hence creating a strong sliding deflection against the outer edge of the opponent’s arm (right arm ).
You should again step off the line to your left.As you take the step, you are pushing your knee into your opposer’s crotch or mid section with your body weight behind it facilitating an improved roundhouse knee.
Follow up with additional moves like over-the-top elbow attacking on the back side of neck.
4) Half-Roundhouse Knee
Bring into action your patella (knee) and shin attacking your enemy's exposed thigh with your full body load behind the strike.
Base leg will turn out as you use glicha (lower step) to persuade forth and close the gap.
Point your knee furthermore shin at almost 45 degrees to the ground,As you draw the shot use your patella and shin,move the shin out for greater impact.
5) Outward chop

hand and forearm aligned in the same direction mind not to bend your wrist ,front foot and the strike running in similar direction,your toes turning past the target.
pivot on the ball of your foot,watching the target but body turned.Proceed shoulder and hip forward when you deliver the chop,comfort the foot movement adjusting right foot.
Right hand positioned up,forearm and hand semi-tight until the arm and hand are fully strengthened just before the chop to add significant impact.
6) anti Group Elbow
focus on the jaw, throat, nose, or other part of face.
It is utilized when you want instant escape from various attackers. You must look for a seam and utilize the seam to make your getaway,attempt never to put yourself between two attackers.
Keep in mind, you should always move to the dead side, where you are behind the opponent's close by shoulder or move against his back.The arrangement of your arms is similar to two synchronous half-roundhouse punches,one fist (usually left when starting from the left outlet) is higher than the other,so that your hands did not collide with one another when you make contact with both arms against the attacker surrounding you.
You're striking tools are your elbows and fists.You should tuck your jaw in,shoulders raised to ensure protecting head. Your head
Krav Maga Techniques
Basic Krav Maga Techniques:
Guidelines for Krav Maga techniques
• Avoid injury! Carefully identifying the risks of a specific action, avoid risk wherever this is possible.
• Krav Maga's natural reactions are subsequently revised, smooth and adjusted to the requirement of a given situation.
• Taking into account the safety and suitability of your action protect yourself by standing on the shortest position.
• Check the type of your response and the force of the attack in order to avoid unnecessary injuries.
• Judge correctly time to win.
• Use any nearby accessible object for your defense and counter-attacks.
• There are no rules, technical restrictions or sporty restrictions.
• Further development of self defence includes the "Mental training" of the individual for improvised act in accordance with the situation.
Core tactics emphasized in krav maga are
Eye gouging.
Throat wraps.
Head butts.
Striking back of the head and spine.
Striking with verticle elbow.
Kidney and liver attacks.
Kicking the head and slamming an opponent to the floor.
Do not forget the level of force you put forward to protect yourself should be proportionate to the threat.
The defensive techniques and principles of Krav Maga are simple and natural movements, highly effective and easy to learn. The learner is taught to these principles and techniques in a variety of situations- in a dark environment, in a sitting or lying position or under adverse circumstances in which they had with very limited freedom of movement.
1) Inward chop Aiming Neck
Bring into operation this strike with right arm, elbow curved at 45 degrees so that your elbow may possibly not get troubled.This can easily arrive at the target such as sides of the neck,nose or cheek.
Manage to pull right hand to the right side however slightly behind your skull,stand in your left position on the balls of both feet in the similar direction as the whack.This will add up more power as your lower body and hips move in tandem with your trunk along with shoulders.
Other hand up for the safe side,get arranged to deliver another move or recoil to the left again.
The right attempt is to keep your lower arm and hand semi-tight for better impact.
2) Outward chop
The outward chop is effective for the reason that it maintain a support system and keep you safe from opposite attacks.
hand and forearm aligned in the same direction mind not to bend your wrist ,front foot and the strike running in similar direction,your toes turning past the target.
pivot on the ball of your foot,watching the target but body turned.Proceed shoulder and hip forward when you deliver the chop,comfort the foot movement adjusting right foot.
Right hand positioned up,forearm and hand semi-tight until the arm and hand are fully strengthened just before the chop to add significant impact.
3) anti Group Elbow
focus on the jaw, throat, nose, or other part of face.
It is utilized when you want instant escape from various attackers. You must look for a seam and utilize the seam to make your getaway,attempt never to put yourself between two attackers.
Keep in mind, you should always move to the dead side, where you are behind the opponent's close by shoulder or move against his back.The arrangement of your arms is similar to two synchronous half-roundhouse punches,one fist (usually left when starting from the left outlet) is higher than the other,so that your hands did not collide with one another when you make contact with both arms against the attacker surrounding you.
You're striking tools are your elbows and fists.You should tuck your jaw in,shoulders raised to ensure protecting head. Your head
This can be done with two coordinators holding two kicking cushions high and far away from their bodies. Hand cousins might likewise be utilized; in any case, kicking cushions give extra security for your partner holding the cushions.
4) Knee and Trap Against Attacker Standing in Left Outlet Position
this move grab and control rival's arms while conveying a destructive front knee to the adversary's thigh,or mid-section.
In the event that your adversary has his arms near one another,trap him by taking a hold over his arm thus holding both arms near you. As you grasp both of his wrists with your hands, pull them hard into you as you draw a straight knee to his midsection with an appropriate 90-degrees with turned base leg at pelvis.
you can also attempt to split his hands wide apart by putting your palms together thus stabbing his arms between your arms, make them farther apart as you deliver a straight knee with (base) leg turned.
5) Low Roundhouse Kick Sweep
This helps to stroke rival's leg or else from underneath him thrusting off his leg.Targeting the muscle linking calf muscles to the heel straight on the top of ankle.Inspite of this knee may also be approachable to attack.
Standing position left , raise your right (back) leg pivoting knee,thigh, and shin parallel to the ground.
Curving the knee moderately so that your body turned out to the right,base leg on the ball while progressing ahead in the kneecap direction.
Knee curved,eyes straight away over the target,your leg will stretch out farther to bring him to the knees.
Continue to pivot and swing around toward your foe as you fix and intensify your
kicking leg to kick through your opponent,your full weight goes through the kick as your body torques through the target like other combative strikes,hip ought to be parallel to the ground so that your foot stay parallel to floor.
6) Stepping Side Kick
long step kick thrust your rival who is to your side and cover up far gaps creating intense impact.
standing in left position,twist base leg at the pelvis so that head is raised ahead when turning over side kick,like a spiral trunk also twisted so that back sole kick intensely.
Bring out side kick with the front leg near to your target.Slamm down your opponent from a slightly vertical angle Covering shin,head,knee, thigh,belly.

Shift your weight to your back leg,angle your heel toward the target, extend your leg parallel to the floor, and make contact with the heel.
The stepping leg's heel must face the rival. While you might tilt back marginally in light of the fact that you're kicking leg is raised with your thigh parallel to the ground, ensure your weight is approaching and through your assault.
Guidelines for Krav Maga techniques
• Avoid injury! Carefully identifying the risks of a specific action, avoid risk wherever this is possible.
• Krav Maga's natural reactions are subsequently revised, smooth and adjusted to the requirement of a given situation.
• Taking into account the safety and suitability of your action protect yourself by standing on the shortest position.
• Check the type of your response and the force of the attack in order to avoid unnecessary injuries.
• Judge correctly time to win.
• Use any nearby accessible object for your defense and counter-attacks.
• There are no rules, technical restrictions or sporty restrictions.
• Further development of self defence includes the "Mental training" of the individual for improvised act in accordance with the situation.
Core tactics emphasized in krav maga are
Eye gouging.
Throat wraps.
Head butts.
Striking back of the head and spine.
Striking with verticle elbow.
Kidney and liver attacks.
Kicking the head and slamming an opponent to the floor.
Do not forget the level of force you put forward to protect yourself should be proportionate to the threat.
The defensive techniques and principles of Krav Maga are simple and natural movements, highly effective and easy to learn. The learner is taught to these principles and techniques in a variety of situations- in a dark environment, in a sitting or lying position or under adverse circumstances in which they had with very limited freedom of movement.
1) Inward chop Aiming Neck
Bring into operation this strike with right arm, elbow curved at 45 degrees so that your elbow may possibly not get troubled.This can easily arrive at the target such as sides of the neck,nose or cheek.
Manage to pull right hand to the right side however slightly behind your skull,stand in your left position on the balls of both feet in the similar direction as the whack.This will add up more power as your lower body and hips move in tandem with your trunk along with shoulders.
Other hand up for the safe side,get arranged to deliver another move or recoil to the left again.
The right attempt is to keep your lower arm and hand semi-tight for better impact.
2) Outward chop
The outward chop is effective for the reason that it maintain a support system and keep you safe from opposite attacks.
hand and forearm aligned in the same direction mind not to bend your wrist ,front foot and the strike running in similar direction,your toes turning past the target.
pivot on the ball of your foot,watching the target but body turned.Proceed shoulder and hip forward when you deliver the chop,comfort the foot movement adjusting right foot.
Right hand positioned up,forearm and hand semi-tight until the arm and hand are fully strengthened just before the chop to add significant impact.
3) anti Group Elbow
focus on the jaw, throat, nose, or other part of face.
It is utilized when you want instant escape from various attackers. You must look for a seam and utilize the seam to make your getaway,attempt never to put yourself between two attackers.
Keep in mind, you should always move to the dead side, where you are behind the opponent's close by shoulder or move against his back.The arrangement of your arms is similar to two synchronous half-roundhouse punches,one fist (usually left when starting from the left outlet) is higher than the other,so that your hands did not collide with one another when you make contact with both arms against the attacker surrounding you.
You're striking tools are your elbows and fists.You should tuck your jaw in,shoulders raised to ensure protecting head. Your head
This can be done with two coordinators holding two kicking cushions high and far away from their bodies. Hand cousins might likewise be utilized; in any case, kicking cushions give extra security for your partner holding the cushions.
4) Knee and Trap Against Attacker Standing in Left Outlet Position
this move grab and control rival's arms while conveying a destructive front knee to the adversary's thigh,or mid-section.
In the event that your adversary has his arms near one another,trap him by taking a hold over his arm thus holding both arms near you. As you grasp both of his wrists with your hands, pull them hard into you as you draw a straight knee to his midsection with an appropriate 90-degrees with turned base leg at pelvis.
you can also attempt to split his hands wide apart by putting your palms together thus stabbing his arms between your arms, make them farther apart as you deliver a straight knee with (base) leg turned.
5) Low Roundhouse Kick Sweep
This helps to stroke rival's leg or else from underneath him thrusting off his leg.Targeting the muscle linking calf muscles to the heel straight on the top of ankle.Inspite of this knee may also be approachable to attack.
Standing position left , raise your right (back) leg pivoting knee,thigh, and shin parallel to the ground.
Curving the knee moderately so that your body turned out to the right,base leg on the ball while progressing ahead in the kneecap direction.
Knee curved,eyes straight away over the target,your leg will stretch out farther to bring him to the knees.
Continue to pivot and swing around toward your foe as you fix and intensify your
kicking leg to kick through your opponent,your full weight goes through the kick as your body torques through the target like other combative strikes,hip ought to be parallel to the ground so that your foot stay parallel to floor.
6) Stepping Side Kick
long step kick thrust your rival who is to your side and cover up far gaps creating intense impact.
standing in left position,twist base leg at the pelvis so that head is raised ahead when turning over side kick,like a spiral trunk also twisted so that back sole kick intensely.
Bring out side kick with the front leg near to your target.Slamm down your opponent from a slightly vertical angle Covering shin,head,knee, thigh,belly.

Shift your weight to your back leg,angle your heel toward the target, extend your leg parallel to the floor, and make contact with the heel.
The stepping leg's heel must face the rival. While you might tilt back marginally in light of the fact that you're kicking leg is raised with your thigh parallel to the ground, ensure your weight is approaching and through your assault.
Commando Krav Maga
What is Israeli Krav Maga ?
Krav Maga is official, modern, practical self-defense system for men and women with different
physical abilities and age groups.Karv Maga also working intensively at public schools and educational institutions.Mindset is your key,Excellency can be achieved within a short training time resulting relatively high performance level.
Krav Maga was developed by the Imi,He also worked tirelessly on the further development and improvement as well as the adaptation of the Krav Maga to the needs of the civilian population.
The Israeli krav maga fighting technique is intended to act against any attacker.
you should be able to change a highly damaging position to favourable position sponstaneously and instantly,in other words turn the table on your rival instantaneously.Self-preservation is a powerful motivator,Dominate and incapacitate your attacker while defending yourself.
Counteract an opponent quickly is essence of krav maga.There are no hard and fast rule in an unpremeditated attack,which therefore distinguishes self-defense from sport fights.
In krav maga, we organize any style and add up number of attacks,While no fix solutions for ending a fight,We have preferred methods using retvez followed along simultaneous hits and defense.
retzev is a smooth,continous, decisive, and sweeping counter-offense creating backbone of the Israeli
fighting structure.
Krav Maga is official, modern, practical self-defense system for men and women with different
physical abilities and age groups.Karv Maga also working intensively at public schools and educational institutions.Mindset is your key,Excellency can be achieved within a short training time resulting relatively high performance level.
Krav Maga was developed by the Imi,He also worked tirelessly on the further development and improvement as well as the adaptation of the Krav Maga to the needs of the civilian population.
The Israeli krav maga fighting technique is intended to act against any attacker.
you should be able to change a highly damaging position to favourable position sponstaneously and instantly,in other words turn the table on your rival instantaneously.Self-preservation is a powerful motivator,Dominate and incapacitate your attacker while defending yourself.
Counteract an opponent quickly is essence of krav maga.There are no hard and fast rule in an unpremeditated attack,which therefore distinguishes self-defense from sport fights.
In krav maga, we organize any style and add up number of attacks,While no fix solutions for ending a fight,We have preferred methods using retvez followed along simultaneous hits and defense.
retzev is a smooth,continous, decisive, and sweeping counter-offense creating backbone of the Israeli
fighting structure.
Krav Maga
What Is Krav Maga?
Krav maga is dynamic application of functional power,dynamic flexibility, speed, legerity, strength, aerobics and very important anaerobic conditioning.Reasonable strength and conditioning programs helps in prevention of injury and develope desired agility response and strength.Stability,strength and conditioning programs are essential to foreclose injuries.You cannot put forward muscular force beyond your joint's stability.Lack of power occurs due to poor stability while lack of flexibilty restrict right application and execution of techniques,may resulting in injury or power loss.
Nexus of kravist conditioning program is developing,improving & maintaining proper core strength, stableness and suppleness.To achieve expected result training must be multidimentional and occur simultaneously according to the existing scenarios.Therefore, constantly changing and progressive movement patterns are preferred over traditional methods.Traditional strength training focuses mainly on absolute strength (Absolute strength maximal force that could be produced by a muscle).Functional strength is defined as the level of power you can put in during existing movement at high velocity,emphasing functional strength in Krav maga is effective for both men and women.
Learn Krav Maga !
Our focus is mainly on two kinds of power: speed-strength and strength-speed, both are important and ask different training styles.To move a lighter object quickly is called speed strength like feet, elbows,hands and knees when exercising upper and lower body moves.Strength-speed is physical ability to move a heavy object quickly for example another person when practicing takedowns, clinches and throws.krav maga takes your opponent down quickly depending on the fighting circumstances you might need a high level of anaerobic endurance to fight at extreme intensities for longer span of time.
The ability to counterattack spontaneously and independently demand specific conditioning which can be gained through krav maga training itself. Preparing the muscles, joints, respiratory and circulatory systems for any strong activity is called warming up. Appropriate cardiovascular activities such as power walking, paddling exercises, jumping jacks increase your blood flow and heart beat rate, repeat for a minimum of ten minutes.After you warm up, stretch out gently to beef up your muscles, connective tissues, and tendons for quick sharp movements and maximum flexion. Allow your body adjusted to bear stretch and pressure.Make certain you stretch each body muscle, stretching neck and move down the body to your anklebone.
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